Archive for April, 2008

Sunday, April 27th, 2008

Coenzyme Q10

A friend bought some blood pressure monitors for a kidney association, and they came with ‘free’ bottles of Blackmores CoQ10. According to the label CoQ10 is ‘Coenzyme Q10 . . . a nutrient that occurs naturally in every cell in the body, where it is involved with the production of cellular energy. High concentrations are […]

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Thursday, April 24th, 2008


A friend asked recommendations for a no frills handheld GPS, for rural use rather than nivigation. I have a Garmin GPS60. It’s simple, rugged and very accurate. It has a USB computer connection, so you can easily upload and download data to the computer.

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Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

Solar thermal power might solve all our problems

Those interested in solar thermal clean power might be interested in this article. The raw numbers suggest it might have significant advantages over wind power in many parts of Australia, but it’s not cheap. Based on the Cloncurry model: To supply 10% of Australia’s power would take something like 150 sq km ofdesert and […]

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